
1 Corinthians 1 vs 27

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

2 Kings 18:5-6

Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, He remained faithful to the Lord in everything.

As I sit at my desk to write the intro on how our company was formed, I keep recalling the incredible Goodness of God through each stage of Fire in my life! A friend shared a few months ago a story on how the protea flower needs to go through 1 season of fire in order for it to flower again. As I sat and listened to her story I pondered how God would use the fires in my life to bring about His goodness. We are all forged through life’s situations and my HOPE is that you will never forget that Jesus is for you. In every situation, trial, illness or battle, HE is our Hope, our Light, our Compass and our Good Father. God loves restoration! Here’s to my greatest Love story so far.

As a mom of 3 Jesus loving boys, most of my life has been dedicated to the task of mothering. As a family we have experienced highs and lows through the years and I am so thankful that Jesus has been our rock and our source through each season. Perseverance and Faithfulness with the Lord is essential in these times.

Earlier in 2022 after receiving a prophetic word (and a few more thereafter) on starting a business, the Lord gave me a dream and showed me the type of business He wanted me to start, which was manufacturing of cushions. Not just any cushions, they were custom made cushions with proteas on. Being rather overwhelmed at the prospect of another task on my to do list, I put this off for a few months. You might ask how the name of the company came about, well even that makes me smile. One day in worship the Lord kept repeating the name Hezekiah. I wrote it down in the front of my bible. The day I decided to register the company in South Africa I asked the Lord to give me the name of the company. I felt the Father smile down on me and say Hezekiah. What a beautiful treasure.

Not knowing much about this type of business as I am by no means a creative person, the Lord in His faithfulness connected me with the most amazing people to help me on this journey. We are so excited to see Jesus glorified and to be on this journey.

To my dad and mom, you set the foundation for us to follow Jesus. We thank you for this great inheritance!

To my children, thank you that you love me unconditionally! You have taught me what unconditional love looks like. Thank you for showing me grace as I navigated being a mom. You are my biggest achievement. Thank you for your support, excitement and encouragement. To the 1000 generation!

Enjoy shopping on our site! We will keep you updated about the launching of the book we are in the process of writing, Forged through Fire.

Be Blessed


Kobus Beets

My friend of 13 years, you have watched us walk through so many seasons of life. Supporting us through all of them. Thank you for graciously accepting the task of the development of the website and management. You have been an incredible blessing and friend through the years. We miss you!

Apostle Charlene Ainsle

To the Apostle who kicked my butt into action. Although our journey has been short it has been jam packed with the Goodness of Jesus. You delivered this prophetic word to me first! You took me, you shook me and then told me to stand and walk this word and this life out with Jesus. The good days and the bad days you were there for me and the boys!

Thank you for believing in me and pushing me past FEAR. We love you lots.

Tarryn Coetzee

To my best friend, Tarryn. Your friendship, unconditional love and support carried me through some really difficult situations in my life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting, caring and loving me through the process. You were just always there my friend. Not just for me but for the boys too! You are great and amazing and we love you!

Celeste Rossouw

My dear friend, artist and creative. I love how God has worked these amazing qualities in your life. Thank you for taking up the task of drawing the prophetic flower. May they always bring Glory to God.